April 16, 2008

Customizing Events messages from VA2

So, you have gone through the steps of configuring a VA2 analysis rule, an Error Definition, and Notification rule. The steps can be seen in more detail in the Event Routing Tutorial. So, what are the options for customization, so you receive an Event Message that means something to you?

1. The Notification Rule Name

The name of the Notification Rule will appear as the Email Subject. So this is the primary method of determining what the Event relates to. Remember, an Event will only be sent if it matches a Notification Rule, so each Notification Rule should have specificity for a type of Event.

2. Error Definition Type and Sub Type

Event Type and Sub Type are user defined for maximum flexibility. However, use a convention that will make it clearer what the Event means. For example, if you have created an Analysis Rule to check that the EIM Component on App Server 4 is Online, you might want to use the following Type and Sub Type. Taken together, it means the component specified is not Online.

Type: AppServer4_EIM_Component
Sub_Type: Offline

3. Variables in the Analysis Rule

The following special variables can be used to insert messages into the email message:

$error_string - This can be used in the Analysis rule to set any specialized message that you get emailed with. See the Tutorial for more information

$sv_name – if you set $sv_name in your analysis rule, it will be included in the Siebel Server: field of the email.

$host – if you set $host in your analysis rule it will be included in the Host: field of the email

And an Example email:

Subject: VA2 EVENT 27 for rule: "AppServer4 EIM Comp Offline""
Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2008 15:38:05 -0700
Event Id: 27
Event Type: AppServer4_EIM_Component
Event Sub Type: Offline
Event Level: 0
Event Time: 2008-04-16 15:38:05.000
Event Host: IBMT42
Siebel Server: IBMT42

Event String: Component EIM down on Server IBMT42

File Name:

Startup EIM

Posted by choppen5 at 03:02 PM