VA2 Navigation:

Examples of VA2's out of the box successes:

Case study of using VA2 to monitor Siebel and Integration systems PDF that describes VA2 deployment.

Monitoring Siebel Process and CPU use This article details how to use VA2 to track and graph CPU and memory use with VA2. In addition, it has screenshots of core screens of VA2 data.

Monitoring Windows Log files in real time VA2 can be used to monitor Windows log files, in real time with low resource consumption, for Windows and non-windows environments.

The implementation team for a Siebel deployment is often not the ongoing support team. For a new administrator responsible for ensuring that Siebel is available on a 24x7 basis, it is helpful to leverage a tool to help guarantee uptime. The VA2 system will track components of the system that you never even knew about…or would have found out about the WRONG way.

VA2 ensures that Server tasks and components critical to running your business are online and responding.

If your components reach the Max MTS Tasks per component they can appear functional to a crude monitor, while in fact, among other things, they may fail to let new users log onto the system.

At a glance, VA2 determines the resource utilization of components running on a particular Siebel server.

Trend analysis: Do you know how many Opportunities were in your system during May of 2000? How large was the database at that time? 90% of Siebel deployments could not answer these questions, making it impossible to size for the future. VA2 can answer these questions and more.

Monitoring Workflow Rules: Workflow is a key component in Siebel, responsible for all sorts business process that often affect the bottom line. The workflow components themselves are fairly complicated, dependent on a series of RDBMS, Siebel Server, and data related components. You can use VA2 to ensure that your automated system is indeed automated.

Precious IT knowledge and tasks that administrators perform are stored and quantified so they don't walk out the door.

VA2 captures host statistics for applications servers: Disk size usage, percentage of free ram, etc


Examples of system customization:

On a particular system, the Windows IIS server would page fault and stop the service. The act of defining the IIS server as a member of a VA2 Managed Software System allowed the system to automatically restart the service if it stopped. This repeatedly saved 12 hours of downtime for the customer in question.

A integrated document management system would at times fail to produce a document in Siebel. The missing records could be found by running a periodic series of SQL queries. Prior to installation of the VA system, an administrator would have to run the query every half hour. VA2 automates the running and notification reactions for such events, saving precious administrator time and improving reliability.