May 31, 2008

AJAX in PHP vs Ruby On Rails

Well, in my mini experiment with AJAX, I looked up RubyOnRails. I already had it installed on my machine, using InstantRails. I had a long time ago got InstantRails working, and then stalled out, having no good idea what to do with it.

So now that I have a real requirement, of adding a user defined directory listing for a website, using AJAX to make it more user friendly, how can I use RoR to do that? I looked at some decent tutorials, including:
startatthebeginning and Ajax on Rails.

These are good... didn't take the time to actually do the exercises of course ;) But could get a idea of how to us AJAX. But most of the effort is learning RoR, understanding where to put the code, how to execute it, etc.

But the thought kept crossing my mind, being a lazy perl programmer - how would I actually get this on my site? I want AJAX functionality, look and feel, not Ruby on Rails necessarily. And my host doesn't support Ruby. As far as I know, it is good to go with a special host that supports RoR, and is expensive. But PHP and MySQL? Got that all day long, even my crappy hoster, and I use it all the time.

So I looked at this Tutorial, implmenting AJAX with PHP, Javascript, MySQL, and got it up in less than an hour on my server. I feel it has given me a hands on, nitty gritty feeling for a basic Ajax technique, replacing the HTML with .js, without investment in a new languge, a new platform, that I won't be able to run with my current host.

Here is the groundbreaking results, an application the world has been waiting for: php ajax

Posted by choppen5 at 11:43 AM


Have you looked at Seaside ( The scriptaculous library has been layered on top of it rather transparently ( Check it out!

Posted by: Randal L. Schwartz on May 31, 2008 3:40 PM

Try Site5 for a Ruby on Rails capable host. Great buy, great service.

Posted by: Jerome B. on June 1, 2008 1:42 PM

Try Site5 for a Ruby on Rails capable host. Great buy, great service.

Posted by: Jerome B. on June 1, 2008 1:42 PM
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